Eternalhorizon was born in 2003 after a career in both National and Local Television and Radio News left Indra Palmer wanting to tell the better story. After leaving CNN, she went on to produce and creatively share stories globally for dozens of non-profits such as CARE and The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation as well as a number of ministries including Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef.

Over the years, Indra has produced/shot/edited/scripted countless videos, created 150+ websites, provided commercial voice talent to dozens, and photographed events, documentaries, and stories worldwide. In addition, she has trained hundreds of students while launching news networks in Europe and Asia.

After a break living abroad while raising three children, Indra’s family resettled in the Southeastern US in 2021. Over the past couple of years, Indra has begun consulting for global media ministries, capturing memories for non-profit events, schools, families, and more. In addition, she continues creating and managing websites, producing general Photoshop and social media work for non-profits, as well as a limited amount of video production.

For more info, contact indra at eternalhorizon dot com.